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"Eating breakfast, for teens, is like gas for a car," says the I wonder what teens should be teens be eating/drinking to stay "Almost 80 per cent of all 12 to 17-year-olds are having soft d "Nutrition and obesity expert Dr Tim Gill said banning soft dri "What you eat," she said, "contributes to your mental, physical "A growing number of studies show a relationship between calciu "As soft drinks have been linked to other health concerns, such "If you watch television, see movies, read newspapers or flip t "Any diet that suggests you eat fewer calories than you need to "But eating healthy meals and snacks and getting a reasonable a "Good bone health starts during childhood, with good habits lik "Promote a diet with adequate daily amounts of calcium: childre By Anna P. Bananas Cherries Broccoli Corn page2 Mushrooms